Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Shoe Tree in Nevada

While driving on Highway 50 across Nevada we came upon a small roadside rest area, a place just large enough to pull off the road, park the car, and eat a picnic lunch. This photo is not very good (I have to admit I purloined it off the web) but it shows the huge number of shoes that travelers have tossed into the branches of the tree. (The tree is approx 100 miles east of Reno on Hwy 50.)

We Americans are a weird bunch of people.

Highway 50 is the shortest and best road to travel from Ely to Reno on the other side of the state. I noticed in our atlas that the road is known as "The Loneliest Road in America" and it surely deserves this name. This little-traveled two-lane highway is in excellent condition and provides for a quiet and speedy trip. I think in the first fifty miles we encountered less than ten vehicles. Later, as we neared Reno, the traffic built up a bit, but still it was not nearly as hectic as using the Interstate.

Besides...if you follow the Interstate, you'll miss the Shoe Tree!

She said with a smile.


cinnamongirl93 said...

I would stop there too! I love the photo. I have never seen so many shoes. Hmmm, what goes along with shoes> Socks! Yes that's a clue just for you! LOL!
Have a wonderful trip!

Sheri said...

Love the shoe tree! Did you add a pair? LOL
Yes, we Americans are a weird bunch When my son and his wife drove through AZ a couple years ago he stopped and had his wife take his picture standing on a corner in Winslow AZ

Sheri said...

Love the shoe tree! Did you add a pair? LOL
Yes, we Americans are a weird bunch When my son and his wife drove through AZ a couple years ago he stopped and had his wife take his picture standing on a corner in Winslow AZ