Since I had not seen him in some weeks, I figured he came over to wish me well on Chemo day. I asked him how he was feeling and then assured him I was doing well. And I asked him to keep the robins away from our dwarf cherry tree. "Don't kill 'em," I said. "Just keep 'em away from the cherries." I have no clue whether he listened up. There are still cherries on the tree but it appears some are missing. Those pesky robins.
I stepped back into the house and Whiner came to the door to whine, what else! He has earned his name well. However, I never let him in the house for fear he will set up a second residency. Nice cat that he is, I don't want him in the house. Outdoors is good.
The $800 cat? When Whiner was a kitten he climbed up under the hood of a neighbor's car and got caught in the fan belt when the owner hit the switch. Poor Kitty. His owner says, "Eight hundred dollars later we had a three-legged cat." Whiner has a crooked grin because the same incident knocked loose several teeth on one side. (you can click on the photos for a closer look)
He's a fortunate kitty. And I like to have him visit. But no whining, Whiner! It simply won't do! We don't tolerate whiners and complainers around here!
After awhile he decided it was a no-go and he headed home to breakfast. He did not take a second glance at the robins in the cherry tree. Silly cat. Silly me for mentioning them to him. Not so silly robins.
Pardon me if this shows up twice. It appears blogger has lost my original post about Whiner. He deserves better than that!
Whiner is a really pretty cat ...
Cute story. Out where I live cat's don't last too long. Cars are coyotes get them pretty quick.
I have a few animals that have the same type of award as the kitty. Last summer one of my Jack Russels had to have a tumor removed....$800.00 later she's fine. Several years ago one of our other Jack's got hit by a car and had to have a leg removed. He was a bargin at $350.00! Luke also answers to the nick name tripod. What we do for our critters.
What a beautiful cat! We had a calico, Molly, for over 8 years and it broke my heart when she died. They become such a big part of your family that I would talk to her all the time. She was a great sounding board, but I always hated to leave her when we went on vacation. I felt so guilty!
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I have many more UFO's much older than the one I finished, but it was on top of the stack. LOL That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. :D
It sounds like you not only have a way with words, but also with animals! Whiner is a pretty kitty.
I just loved your story today about Whiner! We went through the same thing --- kitten got caught under the hood of the car and $400.00 later. . . . well, you know all about that!
So glad I found your blog today! I enjoyed getting to know you and catching up on past posts! I'll be praying for you as you go through chemo! I know all about THAT, too!
Pretty kitty. You may have noticed I've got a soft spot for kitties, owning four of my own. But I don't have one that looks like Whiner...yet.
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