I kinda like its name..Kamut! Natural sounding! Ancient sounding! Apparently the Kamut growing today originated with a handful of kernals obtained in the Middle East.
You can read about Kamut in the Sunday Great Falls Tribune, June 07, 1946. Just click here.
Look at this comparison of kamut (left in the photo) and red winter wheat. Look at the size difference! And the color! Doesn't that golden grain look lovely and full of goodness!
Kamut is a close relative to durum wheat. It's about the same shape as a wheat seed but a Kamut kernel is more than twice as big. And more golden in color with a nutty sweetness that makes the best pancakes in the world (at least that's the propaganda I feed my grandchildren while they are chowing down). Now I ma
According to some websites, many people who are wheat intolerant can eat Kamut with no problems. ( I don't know if this is true or not but if you have wheat intolerance at your house, you might check this out further.
Since Kamut is not readily available locally (check your local health foods store) I order it in 25 pound bags from Wheat Montana. The local big box store stocks their bags of wheat but so far I haven't seen the kamut on their shelves. Perhaps I could ask them to order it. Shipping is not cheap when I order it direct.
Besides pancakes I use this grain in bread, cookies, and cinnamon rolls.
I hope you get a chance to try it. I know you will be impressed with its golden goodness! And if you use this when you make pancakes for your grandkids you can make the same claim to fame as I ... the best pancakes in the world! And they'll think you're the best granny (or gramps) in the world! Trust me. Kamut Rocks!
I want to say again that I have no affiliation to any of the above-named businesses...except I love to see their products on local store shelves.
P.S. I want to thank Debby for this link to youtube about Bob Moore's Red Mill company. Kudos to Bob for his ethical thinking in regards to his employees. He GAVE the company to his employees in February 2010. Hmmm...wish I had been working there!
Sounds yummy. I'll have to check the local health food store for it.
Bob's Red Mill has an interesting story. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jR0KZPPRS8
I haven't tried this flour, but now I'm going to. I have liked the Red Mill products.
Sounds like something that is worth trying, I always like to try new things, Thanks!
I found some Kamut at the health food store, but when I went to bake bread today, the "best by" date was yesterday. :-( The store said I could return the unopened package, but they may not be ordering any more. I'll have to track it down somewhere.
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