Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What If A Cancer Clinic Said This....

My good friend Marian left a wonderful and encouraging comment in regards to my frustration over delayed chemo. I know she won't mind if I copy it here for you to read as well. Her words are good reminder to me as to whence comes our help. Here are Marian's words...

Sorry to hear your counts are still low. We will be praying for you. It frustrates me that there is a "schedule" to keep up with. I wonder how many patients can actually keep to it? It got me thinking....

What if....
a Cancer Clinic said this--

"We don't put people on "schedules" with chemo because we realize that God in His infinite wisdom sovereignly has charge over each cell in our body, whether diseased or healthy. He is our loving creator and He alone understands best how our bodies function. We will use the technology He has given us to determine when is the best timing for each chemo session. We are confident that this method will have perfect results for the patient because we know that His timing is perfect."

"Therefore, if you feel your progress is not moving fast enough, do not lose heart. Here are 2 tips to try at home:
  1. Cling closely to your Savior. He is able to renew your mind and make you more like Himself
  2. Please consider any frustrations you experience along the way as gifts from above to help you think more deeply on eternal matters rather than temporary matters that fade away."
Marian's comment was a good reminder to me. And both points are important.
First, it is when we forget to cling to Christ that fears rise up inside us. And fear can overwhelm us. But Scripture often advises us to "Fear not!" Paul reminds us in Romans 8:31 that "if God is for us, then who can be against us?" The answer, of course, is No-One and No thing! Not even cancer. By saying this I am Not saying that all Christians who have cancer will be healed. No! Some will. Some won't. What I am saying is that we are secure in Christ's love and when we cling to Him we can survive any trial that life brings. We get our strength from Him, not from ourselves.

Secondly, we know that "all things work together for good for those who love God." Romans 8:28. And if that is so (and we believe it is) then we must look at all things in life as gifts from above, even the hard things in life. If life were easy, we would seldom (never) seek the Lord and His provisions. On the other hand, when life is NOT easy, we know that we will experience spiritual growth through the process. "...we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
Romans 5:3-5


Roxanne said...

What a powerful post both from your friend and you. As I prepare to receive BRCA testing results in the morning I am reminded not to be fearful and that all things will work together for good!! God in His perfect timing gave me that reminder through your post. Thank you!

Laurie M. said...

Very good advice, for any time of difficulty. Thanks!

cinnamongirl93 said...

Well said! Amen!

Jillian said...

I appreciate your blog and your positive comments. My mother has been fighting sinus cancer since 2003. I will be back for more encouragement...soon. Thank you so much for sharing.